Julian Simmons


Dr. Julian Simmons

/ Born : 1971, London, UK

/ MPhil : 1997, RCA, The Design and Fine Art Application of Computerised Draughting Techniques

/ PhD : 2004, RCA, Numinous Image as Cosmological Monograph

‘The COSMOLOGICAL MONOGRAPH views the development of achromatic images within artistic practice as the most direct and inalienable approach to researching the dialectical substrata that supports the apparent world.  Through developing a precise appreciation of the fundamental tendencies of movement [centrifugal, centripetal, and rotational] by which each tone [absolute black, white, and their variable synthesis grey] intrinsically is the method of manifesting itself, tone shall be presented as an undetermined device for visually addressing intersubjective and transcendental research. This study remaining rooted to this dialectic, is to be informed by a parallel co-ordination of the methods by which plants support their quintessential creations – their flowers; these supports being known as inflorescences’.  A proportion of this thesis was reprinted in BLACK MILK.

/ everything else in real-time

/ NB proof-readers when quoting any works I title all my works in uppercase.